15+ Partnered Brands

To serve quality products, we partnered with top most brands.

Popular VGA Supplier

We've selected as best authorised supplier in UAE

Best online stores

GCCGAMERS.COM the best online game store brand.

Join our team – We are looking for talented & driven people to come work with us Available Positions



Worldwide Traffic.

20 Years of Experience

A pioneer in the Gaming and IT Distribution.

GRAND LINK was founded in 2002 and incorporated in United Arab Emirates. The company expanded into the Middle East and African market in 2006 and continuing to expand services.

We carry wide range of Product portfolio such as Gaming Gear and Gaming Components like Moth- erboards, Graphic Cards, Gaming Gear Keyboard, Mouse, Mouse pads, Casing, Gaming Chair, Table, Gaming PC, Graphics Machines, Monitors, Projectors, Projection Screens, Mounts and Workstations.

Join our team – come work with us.

(+971)4 333 9000

Our Company helps

How Grand Link Gate help people to grow and successful?

Cryptocurrency mining GPU that provides maximum performance with RTX series, Nvidia is extending its cryptocurrency mining limits to newly manufactured GeForce RTX 3080, RTX 3070, and RTX 3060 Ti graphics cards.

Gaming PC'S

Perfect wide range monitors and high end build gaming pc's makes feel better reality.


Single or multiple the advanced graphics cards and cpu gives more powers for workstations.


Accelerate with innovative High-Performance Server and Networking Computers components.

Mining PC'S

Profitable mining PCs or Rigs, It's always easiest ways to choose RTX Series Graphics Cards.

Numbers Are Talking

Let’s talk about our business growth in
Gaming Computers

100 +

Authorized Gaming Components in UAE

800 k

Online traffic

8109 +

Questions answered

30 +

Professional Consultant

3 +

Stores Launched


GCC Gamers

Technology Index

Improved and Innovative

Our best products help you to define quality business level, It's intended to provide a best and authorized products with a competitive vision for success of business.

Workspace Laptops

Custom Build PC's

Server Computers

High-End Computers

GPU for Deep Learning

Developers Specs

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